The Path to Healing Begins with Knowing Yourself. There exists an intimate connection between the health of thought-emotion-mind-body and the energy system that permeates it all.

The Space

Camino Wellness Center is a spacious oasis dedicated to Self-Inquiry Work, Group Meditation and Healing Modalities, including Esoteric Acupuncture, Essential Oils and Energy Work.

Our main focus is centered around the evolution of consciousness by means of knowing oneself and developing sensitivity to the energetic realm of being. We assist in restoring the health of the mind-body-energy system and offer sessions, group classes and retreats to mature self-sufficiency in the energetic, mental-emotional and physical well-being. The center is our labor of deep love and service to the benefit of all life.

Our Team

Nataliya Nusinova L.Ac

Acupuncturist / Energy Worker
Nataliya Nusinova, L.Ac.

Esoteric Acupuncture, Five Elements Acupuncture, NADA protocol, Essential Oils, Aroma Acupoint Therapy, More…

Working with acupuncture needles or with essential oils is really an empathic interaction with the person’s emotional field. This mode of energetic communication tends to reveal the depth of what is otherwise inaccessible or does not have the verbal capacity to express itself.

Mind / Self-Inquiry Guide
Vova Kuperman

Self-Inquiry, Meditation, Rites of Passage & Hero’s Journey, Emotional Intelligence, Self-Alchemy, Wilderness Retreats, More…

The health of Self-Esteem depends on the capacity to unbind/individuate the energetic system from the collective/peripheral thought influences. In this difficult task, developed discernment and navigation in the realms of energy are essential.

What is Esoteric Acupuncture?

Nataliya’s Treatment Approach

Acupuncture Appointments

Silent Meditations
Self-Inquiry Classes